”生きた線” 自分だけの表現を求めて
”Lively Lines” Aiming for an expression that only I can do
She was discovered in the project "Art Dealer Sanma Project 3" of Nippon Television's program [Sanma Akashiya that Nobody Knows],
She drew attention for her technique of painting while dripping paint with a spoon.
She says, ”When I started drawing with disposable chopsticks and spoons, I felt like I had returned to my childhood. I want to create a work that appeals to the heart with such a simple expression.”
Draw with Lively Lines
This desire led her to her current style after many years of experimenting with various techniques. The important thing is to stick to the beauty and dynamism of the lines.
While she is concerned about the large number of animals that have been marked for extinction due to changes in the global environment, she often uses motifs to encourage the animals that are struggling to survive.
She tries to make the creatures look more attractive, bright and funny with the essence of "line". The reason why her works are expressed in a funny form may be because she feels a unique attachment to the animals when she is close to them.

The black outline that composes the work is trajectory of action painting that drips paint from a spoon. It was first used by American art critic
Harold Rosenberg in 1952.
It is a point that is decisively different from the expression of lines drawn with a brush, and the lines that appear there are soft and rounded and slightly raised. Rather than seeking for chance, I manipulate the flow of paint to compose the whole with intentional lines.
The coloring is mainly acrylic gouache. By applying as little shading as possible and evenly painting, the work becomes flat and the amount of information perceivable by the eye is reduced. And it is finished so that the whole picture can be captured directly.
Action paintings are often thought of as abstract paintings, but I dared to explore representational paintings by taking advantage of their characteristics.
I mainly draw animals, but I research their ecology, environment, personality, colors, shapes, etc. in as much detail as possible.
Then, I focus on the composition that is most suitable for that individual.
When I go to a zoo and observe it up close, I try to draw as I feel the essence of it. But for some reason, a playful form appears.
I am actively working on deformation and trying to make it easier to leave an impressive afterimage. I believe that even if it is different from the real thing, it will not have a bad effect on the work.
From now on, I would like to continue to pursue a style that appeals to the conscience of mankind that can save living things, so that I can appeal for the animals and environmental destruction, and protection of endangered species.